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Tips to Handle Laptop

  1. Always Shutdown After Use.if you leave without shutting down it may melt.
  2. Always check it if its turned off before placing into carrying case because placing it i without turning off may cause severe damage to the product.
  3. Always use laptops cooling pads to keep the temperature of it stable and cool.Always place it in the shadow and avoid direct sunlight
  4. Never expose it to dust and heat.always place it in tidy place.
  5. Never keep it within the reach f the children
  6. Never operate it on your laps as there are many effects regarding health
  7. Always keep it in soft places..never leave them plugged in.
  8. Adjust the power settings so that it uses minimum brightness and uses minimum electricity
  9. Use the dim screen setting and do only important background tasks.avoid queuing up huge background tasks
  10. Never open it as doing so voids the warranty.


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