Always use Credit cards for purchasing as they keep you secure.
Never send cash.
If any seller demands cash its sure of fake.
Never prefer sellers who doesn't reveal their identity as its a probability of fraud.
Always feel free to ask the seller any doubt you have.
Get the necessary help from the site to reimburse you if you are victim of fraud.
Always place the computer in family room or open areas.
Instruct the kids to never give personal details to strangers online and also to never expose their facial identity.
Tell the kid to never respond to offensive mails or chats.
Make clear rules for surfing and make sure that they follow strictly.
Move free with your child so that he will make you know if he is threatned
Instruct the kids to never give personal details to strangers online and also to never expose their facial identity.
Tell the kid to never respond to offensive mails or chats.
Make clear rules for surfing and make sure that they follow strictly.
Move free with your child so that he will make you know if he is threatned
Prevent your children from viewing harmful content by using filtering tools offered free from many sites.some softwares warn you by sending sms to your mobile when your kid visits harmful sites.many of these software providers allow to download free demo versions.
Don't allow kids to surf more time.
It is better to allow surfing in your presence.
Encourage them to visit the educational and childfun sites.
Don't allow kids to surf more time.
It is better to allow surfing in your presence.
Encourage them to visit the educational and childfun sites.
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