Internet was concieved in the form of computer networking at the massachusetts institute of technology in 1962.In september 1969,Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET) was born of department of defence of government of U.S.A. The DOD'sinput of very high academic and technological content had to be integrated which was carried out at Stanford Research Institute,University of California and University of UTAH.The computers at these places were network together and communicationsbetween them were established thus creating the ARPANET.ARPANET consisted of four major technological breakthroughs.(1)Inference Message Processors, (2)Netword Topology,(3)Network Matrix and (4)Architectural Design.The first demonstration of network was organised during the international computer communication conference in september 1972 and presented by Bobkhan,the designer of ARPANET Architecture.The next major milestone was in 1992,when defence data networking (MILNET)created TCP or IP protocol suits for ARPANET and other military networks.It is natural to expect that when large nuimber of users get onto a network,all of them mustr use the same standard formats and protocols so that the data can be transferred from one system to another in an orderly fashion.These Transfer Protocols and Internet Protocols(TCP & IP) have now been universally accepted.
Once the network was established the users wanted to transfer large data files.Hence came the "File Transfer Protocol"(FTP,1971).Subsequently e-mail became a reality in 1972.
It was in 1990 that APRANET was converted into a public network and opened to all the
citizens.The formal birth of the Internet was registered,when internet SOCIETY was chareted in 1992. Internet grew rapidly due to its widespread applications and it provided utility and services to the common man in the society.the first requirement was to develop the capability of transfering files & data from one coomputer to another. for this purpose ,a worldwide network of computers had to be establised in such such a way that any computer anwhere in the world could be connected to any millions & billions of computers like spiderweb.No wonder then that is internet infrastructure was christened as World Wide Web{www}
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